Sunday, September 7, 2014

Happy Accident

 Before we arrived in Ashland, Chris and I had no idea what his class time schedule would be. We both kinda thought maybe 8am-6pm with some nights being later when they had tickets to see shows at the Shakes Festival. We were surprised to learn that he would be in class from 8:15am-9:30pm and some night 'til 11:15pm if they were seeing a show. So....Leila and I had lots of time to explore. It seems like most mornings we dropped Chris off and headed to Lithia Park for some time to play in the creek. Even at 8:15 am temps were already in the upper 70s or above so the creek was refreshing. 

 Almost every day we picked Chris up for his hour lunch break. We would pack lunches and eat at the Triangle Park near the college. After lunch Leila and I visited Garfield Park's splash pad. The day before, Chris had taken a wrong turn and we stumbled upon the splash park. What a wonderful accident! We had multiple visits here over the month of July! 

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