Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Duds

Thank you OshKosh B'Gosh for making good, ol' fashioned, cute kids' clothes in this day and age! I had the hardest time this season finding regular blue denim overalls. I didn't want that yucky wash that looks brown. I didn't want trendy rips and holes in the knees. I didn't want tons of embroidery on the pockets. I just wanted overalls. Overalls that were both cute and comfortable!
Thank goodness OshKosh still knows how to make 'em!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Puyallup Fair

Believe it or not, we only made it to the Puyallup Fair one time this year. Luckily, we were able to enjoy a few hours there last weekend with our good friends the Wallers. We stayed long enough for the girls to ride some kiddie rides, eat some scones and corn-dogs, eat an elephant ear, and see the bunnies before it started to rain. Becky and I even got to ride The Wild Cat roller coaster! I haven't ridden that since junior high.

Leila playing music on the crazy instrument.

Just like their mamas, these girls love the roller coasters!

Hopefully next September we will enjoy more than one visit!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tiny Dancer

Leila started ballet and tap dance classes last week! She has been so excited! Every Tuesday night she gets to twirl and skip to her heart's content with 5 other little girls. It seriously is THE. CUTEST. THING ever! All the girls are beyond adorable with their tiny tutus and slippers!!
Waiting to meet her teacher, Miss Mandy.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Baby Waterfall Photo Shoot

When we visit my Mom and Jim in Portland, we always find time to squeeze in a walk or two. The development they live in has a little water feature at the entrance and it is one of Leila's favorite places to check out. Our visit last weekend was no exception and we were actually able to catch Leila in a smiling mood!

My Mom made this adorable outfit!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sailing the Columbia

Can you even believe this??!!? Jon and Amanda own a sailboat! That just sounds crazy to me! This last weekend we celebrated Mom's birthday in Portland and spent Saturday on the Columbia River in their new boat. Gorgeous, gorgeous weather! Too hot while the crew prepared the boat in the dock's parking lot, but refreshing when we finally set sail! I enjoyed almost every minute of the adventure. There were several wind gusts that were a little too strong for my liking, sending the boat at what I consider to be unnatural angles, but my Mom and I seemed to be the only ones concerned. I guess I am just not used to sailing yet. Anyway...what a great day! Jon, Amanda and Chris were an amazing crew and kept us afloat the entire day.

Amanda stocking the sailboat prior to heading for the dock.
Jon and Amanda's new house....just minutes from the river and the airport (perfect for Jon's job).
Leila and Uncle Jonny

Leila wants nobody else when Amanda is around!

The Captain

We stopped midday at Government Island for a swim. Notice the air tower and the Portland airport in the background.

We can't have Jon and Chris together without taking some crazy picture:

This is really hard to see, but Jon and Amanda are standing in front of THIER BOAT here!

Leila took her afternoon in the cabin.

While the rest of unpacked the boat, Leila and Grammy played on the beach.

King of the Hill Game

Last Friday was the BIG King of the Hill football game between ERHS and Rogers. What a game! There were several times throughout the evening that it looked like ER was gonna pull out a victory, but sadly, Rogers won the game. Even though the Jags didn't win, the team should be very PROUD! It is quite impressive to see football players being respectful and demonstrating self-control! Watching the team and the fans of Jag Nation reminds me a lot of PLU football. There is a sense of teamwork and support. I am excited to watch the rest of the ERHS football season. Go Jaguars!

Leila with one of her favorite ERHS students: Miss Jenna!

Leila spent most of the second half with all the "big kids". Thanks to Jenna, Madi, Josh, Taylor, and Isaac for coloring with her! She loves you guys!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jaguar Football

Last Friday marked the opening game for the Emerald Ridge Jags! We had a great time enjoying the band, watching the game, chatting with friends and celebrating the WIN!! Jags beat Todd Beamer High School with a score of 21-14. Way to go, Jags!

Leila LOVES Josh! We sat right across the aisle from the band just for Leila.
Two teachers' kids: Fry and Tavern.
Copying the cheerleaders.

The night just kept getting better for Leila. There was Josh, the band, a new friend to color with, cheerleaders to mimic and then, OH BOY, total excitement happened!!! Leila was allowed to come out WITH the cheerleaders and cheer on one of the boxes! Thank you, Brooke! Leila was giddy!

Watching the game.

Look at that littlest cheerleader on the left. Adorable!

Brooke is trying to teach her some cheers.

The big King of the Hill game is tonight at Sparks. ER versus Rogers. This game always messes with our heads. Do we root for the Jags or our dear, old alma mater??! Okay, okay....go Emerald Ridge!!