Friday, September 9, 2011

Jaguar Football

Last Friday marked the opening game for the Emerald Ridge Jags! We had a great time enjoying the band, watching the game, chatting with friends and celebrating the WIN!! Jags beat Todd Beamer High School with a score of 21-14. Way to go, Jags!

Leila LOVES Josh! We sat right across the aisle from the band just for Leila.
Two teachers' kids: Fry and Tavern.
Copying the cheerleaders.

The night just kept getting better for Leila. There was Josh, the band, a new friend to color with, cheerleaders to mimic and then, OH BOY, total excitement happened!!! Leila was allowed to come out WITH the cheerleaders and cheer on one of the boxes! Thank you, Brooke! Leila was giddy!

Watching the game.

Look at that littlest cheerleader on the left. Adorable!

Brooke is trying to teach her some cheers.

The big King of the Hill game is tonight at Sparks. ER versus Rogers. This game always messes with our heads. Do we root for the Jags or our dear, old alma mater??! Okay, okay....go Emerald Ridge!!

1 comment:

Becky Waller said...

I LOVE those pictures of her with the cheerleaders. How cute! I think Brooke is in one of my classes this year. I have a couple of Brookes, but I'm pretty sure one is a cheerleader.