Monday, June 28, 2010

Hitball with the Rainiers

Our friends the Simons invited us to the Rainiers game on Thursday night. So, we packed up some snacks and headed to Cheney Stadium. The weather was perfect for a baseball game! We bought cheap seats right behind home plate (out of the sun and heat). It was Thursday, so hotdogs and soda were only a dollar. Good deal! The Rainiers were hosting the Salt Lake City Bees. The night ended with a 3-2 victory for the HOME TEAM!

Our view:
Mackenzie and Leila shared some cotton candy. Can you guess what color?
Both the girls...
Enjoying the game:
All three of the girls: Mackenzie, Anni and Leila. We wanted to see if Anni likes Chris again. She used to LOVE him, but has recently started crying whenever he even looks at her. Looks like she is still not too sure...
Anniston loves Leila though.
Thank you Simon Family for the invite! Great night with friends!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gramma Georgia's 90th!

Christopher's Gramma turned 90 on June 14th!!!! The family threw her a grand celebration this last weekend. Lots of family members and good friends joined Gramma to honor her. What a special lady she is and we are so blessed to have her in our lives!

The birthday girl and Papa.
Gramma and Chris.
Chris and his cousin, Beth, and her hubby, Jay.

Papa and Leila.
Daddy and L.

Kisses with Daddy.

Leila and G.G. (Leila calls her this instead of great grandma).
Smiles with Aunt Chris.

Toasting G.G. with Daddy. Leila sang about 5 words of Happy Birthday before passing the mic back to Daddy.

Since Gramma's birthday is Flag Day we decorated with red, white and blue.
Showing off some dance moves...I LOVE this picture. Such personality!

Leila and her Gramma.

This was how the party ended for Leila...a heap on the dance floor. The party ran from 1-4pm, which is right in her prime nap time, so needless to say, she was exhausted by the end of it. I think G.G. would have loved to join Leila for a mid-party nap!
Happy Birthday Gramma! We love you!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Another First

Yesterday we took Leila to Salon Boulay for her very first hair cut. She watched me get my hair cut first (which she has seen before) and then it was her turn. She didn't want to sit in the chair by herself, so she sat on my lap. Overall, she sat pretty still. Lucille, our hairdresser, heard from Papa that Leila really likes M&Ms so she had a small bag of them for Leila to munch on during her haircut. What a nice treat! We saved a small bit of her hair and the salon even gave us a gift - detangler spray and kids' shampoo by Paul Mitchell. What a super surprise!

Not too sure about this...

Leila didn't want her hair washed in the sink, so Lucille used the spray bottle instead. Leila thought this was very funny and kept saying that it felt like it was raining.

This is Lucille's poodle, Jasper. He is always dressed up in a cute little scarf. Leila loved getting his kisses.

All finished! Lucille curled Leila's hair before we left. What a doll!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Big Girl Bed

So, you might think that I am just now sharing a blog about Leila's new bed from a month ago. Well, that is not the case. After one night in the first bed, I wasn't in love with it, so I returned the bed and ordered a new one. It arrived earlier this week and my husband (bless his heart!) picked it up and assembled it without too much ribbing. Thanks to Sarah for her help returning the old one! Let's just say, Chris was not thrilled to return the first one. Anyway, I LOVE the new bed! Leila can climb in and out more easily and I think it fits the space better. Not to mention that it looks more feminine than the captain's bed we had originally purchased. Thank you Christopher for your willingness to go along with your wifey's crazy plan!

Leila and Daddy assembling the new bed.
Leila placed the screws in the slats and Chris worked the drill gun.

All completed!
Some new wall hangings to replace the sea-life pictures that went with her infant bedding. Her room is so cheery and inviting! I am pleased beyond words! Thank you, dear hubby!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Stormy Days

Rain, rain go away!
Here are some pictures taken last weekend indoors while we watched it pour...ALL weekend!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Little Red Wagon

For Memorial Day weekend, we traveled to my Mom's house to spend the weekend together. Leila was lucky enough to get a special gift from Grammy and Granddad...a Radio Flyer wagon! I am not sure who was more excited - Leila or Grammy!?!

Getting familiar with the wagon...
It even has cup holders!
Maiden voyage. Yes, it was raining, but we couldn't prolong the first spin around the block any longer.
The next day...

Looking at the "baby waterfall"....a fountain at the entrance to my Mom's house.
And on Sunday morning....

Leila wanted to show everyone how "frong" (strong) she was by pulling the wagon.

Thanks Grammy and Granddad!!!