Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fishing Adventure

 Leila was invited to a friend's birthday party once school was out. The party was at Bill's Fishing Hole. Christopher couldn't come with us, so it was just the two of us. Um, I was a little hesitant....Leila has never fished and I haven't been fishing since high school. I'm sure we were quite comical to the families fishing around us, but we did it...and that's all that counts, right?!? Leila decided that she wasn't too interested in catching a fish, but wanted to practice casting. She only got two practice casts in before she caught a fish. I was videoing and practically had to drop my phone so I could grab her pole before she tossed it in the pond. As soon as she felt the tug of a fish, she freaked and couldn't get rid of her pole fast enough. Call me crazy, but I wasn't really interested in taking that fish home to eat, so I gave it to the mom standing closest to us in return for her helping me hold the net and get the hook out. It was quite a new experience for us. And has Leila asked to go try it again this

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