Saturday, January 9, 2016

Trick or Treat!

 We introduced Leila to the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter last spring and she has been in love with it ever since! For Halloween, she really wanted to be Hermoine Granger...and honestly, Leila embodies so many of Hermoine's qualities. It was the perfect costume! I fully intended to have to make the cape, but low and behold, this summer in Ashland we saw a Gryffindor robe in the front window of a shop. Another reason why Ashland is awesome! The vest, skirt, shirt and shoes were easy to come by and we already had most of those pieces, so truthfully it was the easiest of costumes. 

After Leila's wet, wet soccer game (see previous post) we headed to Portland to spend Halloween there. The drive was so wet, but we made it to Auntie Amanda's house before it was dark. We had originally planned on taking the kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, but there were streams of water pouring down the streets so we changed our minds rather quickly. Mom and Jim came over to the house also and Amanda found us the best back-up plan, the Kennedy School! The Kennedy School was passing out candy and it was inside! The building is an old school building turned into a restaurant and hotel. The decor reminded us of Hogwarts a bit. 

It is hard to tell in this picture, but Judy matched Leila 100 percent! Grammy found the costume for Judy and gave it to Leila in August for her birthday. Too cute!

Bennett was the cutest little mechanic! Obviously, he is too young to care about the candy, but we all had so much fun showing him off to other trick-or-treaters!

Rain, fall leaves, umbrella, candy bucket and a witch's robe....perfect Halloween!

Amanda took a couple more pictures of the kiddos back the house. 

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