Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Meet the Teacher Night

 The night before school started we were invited to a Meet and Greet so Leila could meet her teacher and see the school. Leila was super excited to see her classroom and her teacher....even though she already knew her teacher. And knew her teacher quite well, I might add. Leila is blessed to have my dear friend, Pam, this year! Pam is an AMAZING first grade teacher and I know that Leila will be loved, nurtured and challenged under Pam's care. So, because I was in the classroom next door meeting my own students, Chris had to fly solo for the event. He was under strict instructions to take a picture at her desk. Thanks, Babe! 

That night, after reading "The Night Before First Grade" and putting L to bed, I prepared for the morning! 

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