Monday, October 20, 2014

Birthday Hike Tradition

It's officially a tradition! For the second year in a row, we have spent Leila's birthday hiking Mt. Rainier. This year August 20th was cold and foggy on the mountain...quite the difference from last year's birthday hike weather. What was the first thing we did when we got to Paradise? We visited the Gift Shop and purchased three sweatshirts! Brrr! We actually really enjoyed the foggy hike...even though the views were not nearly as awesome as usual. 

We started the hike with deer spotting!
The higher up the mountain we got, the more the fog rolled in. 

We packed a birthday candle and two small presents for Leila to open on the mountain. 

 This girl is ready to be 7! She loves animals (most specifically cheetahs!), reading, reading, reading, musicals (Fiddler), Gene Kelly, dancing, Rudy, playing Barbies, Ninja Turtles (Donny the best), crafting, soccer, Jr. Ranger badges, volcanoes, drawing, the colors purple and red, spending time at home and learning. She is a joy to be around and has such a kind, caring heart! She is helpful and sweet-natured and makes others feel happy. We couldn't ask for more than that. She is a true blessing and we are thankful to call her ours. Happy 7th birthday, Weedie. 

And to end the hike, we spotted more deer! 

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