Sunday, April 7, 2013

Guys and Dolls

Once again, Chris, the cast and crew put on a wonderful production!! This year's musical was Guys and Dolls. The high schoolers were amazing! Chris continues to raise the bar for high school theatrical productions! I know some of you who have never watched one of his shows are thinking I am completely biased and have to say those types of things since I am married to him. Well, I invite you to any of his upcoming productions so you can witness the magic with your own eyes. They are truly outstanding!! 

Leila, like always, was fascinated with the big kids and their characters. Her favorite this year was Kayla as Adelaide. 

Nathan (Nicely Nicely Johnson) and Leila:

 Brookie and Leila

Tay and L

Jacob (Nathan Detroit) and L

Austin and Leila are light board buddies! Austin always takes her to the tech booth so they can play with the lights on stage.
Here's to another great ERHS musical!!

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