Friday, February 15, 2013

Paradise Snow Play

 We spent the Sunday of Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend playing in the snow at Mt. Rainier. Leila had been asking to go sledding for a LONG time. We finally chose a day and did it! When we left the house, it was cold, dark and soooo foggy! By the time we made it to Eatonville the fog was lifting and then when we entered the park it became gorgeous! We were shedding layers of our clothes the entire afternoon. Thank goodness we had three pair of sunglasses in my car...even though Chris had to wear my Mickey Mouse glasses for the day. We had a great day! Leila and Chris went down the big sled run. I got too nervous to even stay at the top and watch them. It looked so steep from the top. They did great and Leila loved it!

What a splendid day! We bought a park pass for only $30 dollars and it is good for 13 months. We are so excited to head back up in the spring for some hiking, which will be a new experience for Leila!!

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