Monday, February 4, 2013

2012 Christmas Card

  The final calendar flip has taken place and so, as is the tradition, we look back on the year that was and send our season’s greetings to you and yours. Looking back through photos from the past year, I realize that it is impossible to encapsulate twelve months of experiences in a short letter. But, here’s an attempt nonetheless.
Erin and I celebrated our twelfth anniversary in July, one short month before Leila turned five. Half a decade! Watching her grow and experience life continues to be our biggest source of joy, and our biggest reason to be thankful. This year, Leila danced in her very first dance recital, on the big stage at the Panatages Theater in Tacoma. I have to admit: seeing her name in the program was pretty darn cool. She continues to dance this year, sticking with tap, ballet, and jazz. She also played soccer for the first time this year. Though she was a bit reluctant at first, she really got into it over the course of the season, and is already looking forward to next season. We packed the sideline each week and I even got to do some assistant coaching. Or at least, I acted like an assistant coach. Other firsts include ice skating for the first time (she gets better every time we go), her first trip to Canada (“I love it down in Canada! When can we go back?!?”), her first movie date with a friend (Brave, if you were wondering) and her first lost tooth!
As is usually the case in a family of two teachers, we made the most of our summer this year. We bought a new swing set for Leila, put it together ourselves, and it stands strong in the backyard (a little less grass to mow is always fine with me). Having a swing set at home has created a little swinging fool. Just last week, as clouds pass overhead and the rain had stopped for a brief moment, Leila asked to go swing outside. It has been fun to invite her friends over to have a good time in the backyard. We had fun camping at Millersylvania in my parents’ new trailer. Leila loved riding her bike around the campsite, but loved it even more when I pulled her around in the bike trailer; I actually pulled her while I ran, since the piece of the trailer that attaches to the bike was left at home. When we were at home, we completed a mini-remodel of our bathrooms and Leila’s room received a little makeover, namely a new purple wall. We rounded  out the summer with our annual California trip and, of course, Disneyland was on the itinerary. We are definitely a family that loves The Magic Kingdom.
We continue to enjoy attending shows at the Seattle Children’s Theatre. Favorite shows this year included A Year With Frog and Toad and The Wizard of Oz. The three of us are, also, usually in agreement about which music to listen to around the house or in the car: The Avett Brothers (who Erin and I saw in Vancouver, BC), The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons (Leila’s favs, she calls them “The Mumforders”), and Carbon Leaf make up much of the soundtrack our lives.
As a line from one our favorite Christmas movies reminds us, “Life is full of meetings and partings.” This year, sadly we had to say good-bye, not once, but twice. First to Quincy, our loving cat, who Leila always called “Brother.” Later in the year, my grandfather, Papa Don, passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. Though we were all very sad to say goodbye, looking back and celebrating his life helped us remember all of the good times and great memories.
As the year draws to a close, Leila is most likely reading (actually reading the words now!), watching Wild Kratts, or playing He-Man, her newest obsession. Erin might be found doing something supremely crafty, baking, or blogging about the exploits of the Taverns Three. As for me, if I’m not reading a script for an upcoming show, I’m probably picking away on my guitar or my new banjo. In all that we do, we are thankful for the many great things we have the opportunity to experience. 
There is something magical about this season that reminds us to stop and remember the things that are important, not just the things that are urgent. Whatever ups and downs this past year brought, we wish you the best in the year to be.
May the joy of the season, the peace of the divine, and the many blessings of life abound for you in the year to come.

Peace and Good Wishes,
The Tavern Famiy

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