Monday, May 21, 2012

New Additions

My Aunt Kathy won a small 1.5 fish tank at an auction and gave it to Leila. It has a purple frame and came with an Ariel, the Little Mermaid, statue. Of course Leila fell in love with it! We took a trip, as a family, to the pet store to pick out some fish. Leila chose a purplish glow fish, which she named Flower, and a neon tetra, who is known as Black Eye. We didn't even have the fish in the tank 5 min (no joke!) and Black Eye swam for the filter!! What?!?! Miraculously, he made a full recovery after I turned off the filter and shook him out of it. Leila watched the whole thing and I kept thinking, "How am I gonna explain this to her without her heart being broken?" He was stunned for 20 minutes or so and didn't move much around the tank. Luckily, Black Eye has rallied and has not tried that move again!! Here's hoping for a long, happy fish life in Leila's tank!

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