Thursday, August 20, 2009

Leila is TWO!!

Two years ago, today, Chris and I were blessed with Leila's arrival. How quickly two years have gone by! There are days when I look at her and hardly see a baby anymore. She is becoming a little girl so very fast. She continually impresses Chris and me with the connections that she makes throughout the day.
We are blessed to have such a caring, imaginative, happy and intelligent daughter!

Some of the things that fancy Leila at the present are:
*The Little Einsteins
*Playing Hide-N-Seek with Daddy
(great at hiding, not so good at waiting to be found)
*Reading books
*Trips to the bookstore
*Playing outside...with ANY kind of ball (hitball, hoopball, kickball)
*Singing to "her mountain" - Mt. Rainier
*Princess Belle
*Starbucks (tall water and madeline cookies)
*Jeff from the Wiggles
*Playing Daddy's guitars and mandolin
*Singing with Mommy in the rocker before bed
(especially the "Heart Song" - AKA "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes")
*Baby Tevyn
*Giraffes and elephants

Leila's BIRTHday ~ Aug. 20, 2007 ~5:45 pm ~ 7.5 lbs ~ 20 inches

Leila at ONE!

Leila's first birthday party.

Leila a few days shy of TWO! At the Pierce County Fair.

Leila and my girlfriend's son riding the camel at PDZA yesterday. Look at that brave two-year-old.

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