Friday, January 3, 2014

Excellent Eagle Award

 The Wednesday before Christmas vacation began, Leila was chosen to receive the Excellent Eagle Award at the school assembly. Each month the teachers recognize 2-3 students per classroom. The teachers select a character trait or academic achievement that the students will be celebrated for. These assemblies are a surprise for the kids, so Leila was not told that she was receiving the award. I took the morning off and Chris found coverage for the morning. It was a "Gramma Day", so Shawn had the day off and was able to come to the assembly too. Mrs. Madsen recognized Leila for her "awesome reading, her helpfulness and for being kind". We couldn't be any prouder of Leila. She is a great reader, loves school and, most importantly, she has a kind heart. 

Chris had to scoot out right after the assembly was finished, but Gramma and I stayed for the refreshments that were offered by the school's PTO. While Leila was eating her treat, I asked if she was surprised. "No, I saw the award on Mrs. Madsen's desk and I read it to myself." Well, there you go…too smart for her own good! 

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