Saturday, December 15, 2012


We traveled south to Mom and Jim's house for Thanksgiving this year. Jonny had to work on Thanksgiving day so we celebrated Friday instead. It was nice to leave our house Thanksgiving morning and not be rushed. We woke up and watched the parade before we packed the car and hit the road. 

The little traveler: McDonald's cheese sandwich and books on the ipod. We don't own a car that has a dvd player in it (thank goodness!!), so we enjoy music, books or good ole talking with one another. 

Once we got to Mom's, Leila wanted to help bake the pies for the next day. She loved mixing, but wouldn't try the pie for the world!

The whole family came over to Mom's on Friday and we had the traditional meal. None of us felt like shopping that morning, so we stayed in our pajamas the whole day, ate Thanksgiving dinner and watched Christmas movies.

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