Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July Festivities

Once again we celebrated Independence Day with both sides of our families at our house...only this time we opted to celebrate on July 3rd instead of the 4th. With our parents' work schedules and my Mom and Jim driving back to Portland, it worked a bit better to bump the festivities up a night. It was very low key. We had spent the whole day in Seattle at the M's Game so no one really felt like cooking. Instead we ran up to KFC and brought home two buckets of chicken. We weren't the only ones celebrating early and it really felt like the 4th with all the neighbors' firework displays lighting up the skies. Before it was dark, we played a few games of Red Light, Green Light. Then Leila made up some obstacle courses for the grown-ups. One of our tasks was the "Fall down, Get up" game. Oh my goodness! We were instructed to run, then lay down on our backs and then get up as fast as we could...over and over and over. She might grow up to be a personal trainer!

Demostrating the Fall down, Get up game.

Chris and his Dad
Chris and Jim
We started the fireworks with Pop-Its.
L really liked those.
Then moved on to sparklers. Leila didn't like these too much, which is just like her Mom.

Okay, maybe she is getting over her fear.
Um, maybe not!
Smiling again. As long as the flame was as FAR AWAY as possible, she was ok.

Then we cuddled up under some blankets and watched Chris set the rest of the fireworks off. Happy 3rd/4th of July!

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