Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jackson County Fair

Leila and I got the chance to visit the Jackson County Fair on Thursday. We were parked and ready for the fair early! So early, that there wasn't much going on. It actually turned out pretty well though because it caused us to peek into the 4-H barns. We usually look at the animals at our local fair but haven't ever watched the 4-H showings. Between the horses and steer, we probably spent 2 hours watching the 4-H kids show their animals. It was very interesting! Guess who wants to be involved with 4-H now?! 

Side note....it was pretty neat to be at the Jackson County Fair in the 4-H barns because Mom and Aunt Kathy grew up showing their 4-H animals in these very same barns!  

These piglets were only 5 days old! 

Oregon State University had a cool display about eating locally and tracing food from seed to waste. They had a trail of activities to follow for the kids. There were 15 stations, each with a question for the kids to answer. Once all 15 answers were completed/found, Leila turned her "passport" into the teacher for a prize. 

Of course we rode a few rides too before we left. It seems that the animals are really the big part of this fair so the rides didn't even open until 11:30. But we had plenty of time to ride a couple before we left for the day....and before the temps hit 100! 

This gal, Annie, was GREAT! She is a story teller, singer and magician. The kids were so engaged!!! 

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