Monday, May 19, 2014

MTFBWY - May 4th

 May the 4th is Star Wars Day. It is the one day in the Tavern house where Leila and Chris actually want me to take pictures of them! Yay for that! I LOVE my Star Wars geeks! 
 Leila had a birthday party to attend that afternoon. The invitation read "Come dressed as your favorite princess!" She told us she wanted to go as Leia. We were pleased about that, but I was worried that she might change her mind once she got there and want to fit in with the others. Chris quietly, and without Leila knowing, put a Disney princess costume in the trunk of the car. It wasn't needed! She wore Leia the entire party and was didn't care one bit that every other girl was a Disney princess. I was so proud of her! Anyone who knows me, knows I love Disney, but I was so proud that Leila was true to herself that day and wore a Star Wars princess. Way to go, Padawan. 

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