Monday, May 13, 2013

Disneyland ~ Final Day

By day three in Disneyland we had already seen and done a lot of things! We spent some more time in both parks. We spent the early morning in Fantasyland before it got too crowded. We practically walked right on Storybook and during the ride we saw this little family of ducks!

 Another spin on the teacups!

Midmorning Chris got a text from his friend and costumer, Peggy. Her daughter works in the park at the Jedi Training Academy. She was working that day! We headed right over to the next show and thanks to Peggy and Jenni, Leila was chosen to participate!! I don't know who was more excited...Leila or her Dad!?!?!

Learning the ways of the Force with Terra Kia (Jenni).

 Bom, bom, bom. Bommmm bom bom. Bommmmmm bom bom. That is Vader's music - in case it doesn't read well. :0)  Thank goodness Leila was sent to battle Vader and not Darth Maul...he is too scary looking! Disney has it figured out though. The littler kids battled Vader and the older ones Darth Maul.

 After she defeated Vader, the Jedi trainer kept her onstage to fight off some storm troopers. She was the only kiddo that got to do that!!

Knockin' them over with a Force push!

The young padawans:
 Thank you, Peggy and Jenni. It was such an experience! A memory we will smile about for all the years to come!

 The last meet and greets of the evening featured the Big Mouse himself!

Leila had saved her Minnie dress to wear the last day and she wouldn't meet Minnie until she was wearing her dress (Interestingly enough, this is not a dress up costume. We got it at Old Navy in February because it reminded us of Disneyland.).

Leila's first time riding the Astro Orbiters and the last ride of the trip.

 We took a walk through Pixie Hollow on our way out of the park.

Ten minutes after smiling for the picture above, Leila fell asleep, with a cookie in her hand, and was OUT for the night. What a fabulous visit to Disneyland. 

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