Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quincy Maximus

On July 10th we said good-bye to our sweet cat, Quincy. This past January, Chris noticed a lump on Quincy's shoulder. Dr. Farris, the world's greatest vet, confirmed that it was cancer. We had the lump removed but it returned in early June along with several more. While it was very hard to make the decision, we did not want Quincy to be in any unnecessary pain. 

We miss Quincy a lot. Quincy joined our family a month after Chris and I were married. We went to the Tacoma Humane Society and boy did Quincy put on a show for us. He trotted around, meowing at the top of his lungs. We both thought he knew it was his time to shine or be left behind. In the 12 years that Quincy was with us our family changed quite a bit. Quincy helped us do our college homework, cuddled us when we were sick, explored the big yard when we bought our house, "welcomed" Leila into the family (ok, he wasn't really that fond of her at first!), worried us sick when he was locked in the garden shed for three days and crowded Chris and me every night in the bed. There are many memories we have that involve Quincy. He was a good cat. 

 These next pictures were taken on Quincy's last evening with us. The day was cooling off and we just enjoyed hanging together in the back yard.

A couple weeks after we said good-bye to Quincy, we chose a new garden statue to remind us of him for years to come.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pudd Pudd Golfing

We finally took Leila miniature golfing! Of course, if you live in the Puyallup/Tacoma area, there is only one place to go...Parkland Putters! Both Chris and I have so many memories of playing golf here, both with our own families as children and also as newly married college students since it is just across the freeway from PLU. We will definitely be returning as Leila really enjoyed "pudd pudd golfing", as she calls it. She still has some learning to do, but she was all smiles!

Learning from Dad:

About halfway through the course, we had to stop for a snack break. Luckily there were only a handful of people there, so we just camped at the ninth hole and enjoyed our water and M&Ms.
I envision some Parkland Putters mini golf birthdays in this kid's future!

Summer Evening

 The weather this summer has been all over the place! We have had pretty hot days, followed by thunderstorms, which are followed by chilly and rainy days. One of the cooler nights, Leila and I spent some time playing with the water table that is part of the swing set. The sun was out, but we had to layer with coats and long pants (Leila chose her own outfit).

Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Fun

 Leila's all-time favorite summer activity is the slip-n-slide! There are days in the spring, with the sun barely peeking through the clouds, when Leila tries to convince us to get the slip-n-slide out for her. Well, with summer and the sunshine, it doesn't take much convincing. She could do it for hours!

She tried sunbathing with me. "Mom, does this hurt your nose?" She only lasted long enough to catch her breath and then she was back slippin' and slidin'.

Leila is also quite fond of squirt gun fights. She is always prepared!
 Our Bond Girl:


We signed Leila up for soccer! She will start in August! We found kid cleats on sale, in her little size and she liked the pink so we bought them earlier this summer. Chris and I are hoping she really enjoys soccer. We can't wait to watch her run around on the pitch!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Riding the Neighborhood

Leila was still a little hesitant on her bicycle until Chris made some minor changes. He pulled the training wheels closer in to the bike, which helps keep the bike from tottering back and forth as much as it was. That really seems to have helped! Now she is much more excited about riding her bike...almost as excited as choosing which baby doll will join her in the baby seat! What a kid!

Oops! Forgotten Picture!

I forgot to include this picture in the 4th of July post. This is the HUGE box of fireworks that Chris and his Dad came home with from Costco. Don't be alarmed, the sticker was NOT the price! Costco had amazing deals!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Play Tunnel

 When Leila was 10 months old, Papa Mike spotted this play tunnel at a yard sale as he was headed to our house one morning. He sent Leila and me back down the road with money to buy it. I pulled it out last week and it was like a brand new toy! She had been so young that first summer we had it that she doesn't remember playing with it. She enjoys it now because she can configure the boxes how she likes all by herself.

 Here are some pictures from that first summer. I just had to share.

While Leila played in the tunnel last week, this is what Chris did. He was on the roof in the hot, hot sun sweeping it off. What a great man of the house he is! 

Backyard Battle!

 Thanks to Leila's friend, Elliott (well, really his Mom), we learned how to make lightsabers using pool noodles and duct tape. They are so much fun to play with!! Leila and Chris had a major lightsaber battle in the sunny backyard.

Independence Day 2012

 Once again we had both sets of folks over for a 4th of July celebration. Leila could hardly wait for the fireworks to begin. We took a wagon walk hoping to help the time go by more quickly.
 Finally getting darker!