On July 10th we said good-bye to our sweet cat, Quincy. This past January, Chris noticed a lump on Quincy's shoulder. Dr. Farris, the world's greatest vet, confirmed that it was cancer. We had the lump removed but it returned in early June along with several more. While it was very hard to make the decision, we did not want Quincy to be in any unnecessary pain.
We miss Quincy a lot. Quincy joined our family a month after Chris and I were married. We went to the Tacoma Humane Society and boy did Quincy put on a show for us. He trotted around, meowing at the top of his lungs. We both thought he knew it was his time to shine or be left behind. In the 12 years that Quincy was with us our family changed quite a bit. Quincy helped us do our college homework, cuddled us when we were sick, explored the big yard when we bought our house, "welcomed" Leila into the family (ok, he wasn't really that fond of her at first!), worried us sick when he was locked in the garden shed for three days and crowded Chris and me every night in the bed. There are many memories we have that involve Quincy. He was a good cat.