Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Morning in Olympia

Last weekend, we celebrated Leila's friend's birthday at the Olympia Children's Museum. Leila and I headed south and arrived a bit too early for the party. We decided to walk around the Capitol grounds. Leila had never been there before, so we walked up the steps and right when we got to the top, the doors opened! It was time for free tours! While we didn't stay for an official tour, we did check out the inside of the dome. As we were surrounded by marble from floor to ceiling, Leila says, "We are at the ball, Mom! Where is the the beast?".

Our next destination was the museum for Mackenzie's 4th birthday. We could have stayed SO much LONGER! This is a fabulous museum! I had taken one of my classes several years ago, but this was my first time as a mom. LOVED it! Leila did so much! She...
collected tickets for the show...
ran the sound board...(Chris and Papa were thrilled to hear about this!)
saved an owl...
took pictures with her friends, Mackenzie and Aubrey, in the dump truck...

played forever with the pin wall (L's prints are the lower two and Aubrey's the higher)...
got soaked at the water table...

and had some party fun with Kenzie's family and friends.
The kids made ladybug headbands before playing pin the dot on the ladybug.
Aubrey and Leila
The big girls.
Bergen and Leila.
My ladybug!
It started with 2 girls...
Add one more...
And one more! Daycare pals: Bergen (3.5), Leila (3.5), Mackenzie (4) and Aubrey (4.5).
No time for smiles when cupcakes are involved!
There was more time after the party for playin'!

Leila couldn't stop talking about it and she already has plans for the next time we go. She can't wait to show Daddy!

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