Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Taste of the Theater

Last week, we got to see a sneak peek of Christopher's show, Annie Get Your Gun! Leila isn't quite ready to see the show at the real performance time, which is bed time, but the 4 o'clock rehearsal was the perfect time of day! The only other time she has seen one of Christopher's shows was when she was 2 months old. I think she was quieter then!! This time around, she lasted 45 minutes...not bad for a three-year-old at an adult musical. On the ride home she asked if I had Annie Get Your Gun music on my ipod. We have been listening to it all week!!! She loves singing with "Doin' What Comes Naturally". Chris and I can't wait for the day she can join us at the theater!!!!!

All dressed up for Daddy's show - Homework Eats Dog - Fall of 2007.
L had to wear her cowgirl boots to AGYG!
Waiting for the show to start and choosing not to smile.
Watching the orchestra warm up. She decided she would like to play the piccolo.
Leila would have been happy to shadow Dad all day, but he was running all over the place tweaking and fixing things.
Chris has a former student, Jaelene, choreograph his shows. She is amazing! Before the show, her and Leila spent some time dancing on stage.
Love this shot with the ghost light!

A shameless plug: Annie Get Your Gun runs the last weekend of February and the first weekend of March at Emerald Ridge. Come see a spectacular show...and Chris's debut direction of a high school musical!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

Too Quickly

The other night, I grabbed the camera to capture Leila in the tub. The minute I took this picture I was reminded of one I snapped a couple of years back. My how fast she has grown!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine Card-Making

Earlier this week, Leila spent an evening making her valentines for the kids at daycare. She and I had a great time choosing the perfect crayon and paper colors for each of her friends. She is super excited to open her treat bag tomorrow at Sandy's! Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Words for Daddy

Leila melted Chris's heart today:
"Everyone at Sandy's (daycare) says that their dad is good, but my Dad is the gooder of all of the dads!"


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Morning in Olympia

Last weekend, we celebrated Leila's friend's birthday at the Olympia Children's Museum. Leila and I headed south and arrived a bit too early for the party. We decided to walk around the Capitol grounds. Leila had never been there before, so we walked up the steps and right when we got to the top, the doors opened! It was time for free tours! While we didn't stay for an official tour, we did check out the inside of the dome. As we were surrounded by marble from floor to ceiling, Leila says, "We are at the ball, Mom! Where is the the beast?".

Our next destination was the museum for Mackenzie's 4th birthday. We could have stayed SO much LONGER! This is a fabulous museum! I had taken one of my classes several years ago, but this was my first time as a mom. LOVED it! Leila did so much! She...
collected tickets for the show...
ran the sound board...(Chris and Papa were thrilled to hear about this!)
saved an owl...
took pictures with her friends, Mackenzie and Aubrey, in the dump truck...

played forever with the pin wall (L's prints are the lower two and Aubrey's the higher)...
got soaked at the water table...

and had some party fun with Kenzie's family and friends.
The kids made ladybug headbands before playing pin the dot on the ladybug.
Aubrey and Leila
The big girls.
Bergen and Leila.
My ladybug!
It started with 2 girls...
Add one more...
And one more! Daycare pals: Bergen (3.5), Leila (3.5), Mackenzie (4) and Aubrey (4.5).
No time for smiles when cupcakes are involved!
There was more time after the party for playin'!

Leila couldn't stop talking about it and she already has plans for the next time we go. She can't wait to show Daddy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hey, Mom...

While driving home from the doctor's office last week (I had L checked out after being sick for a few days), we had a funny conversation.

L - "Hey, Mom, do you know what sound this is?"
She then makes the sound of air being blown out of her lips.
Me - "No, what is it?"
L - "It is the sound you make when you play the trombone."
Me - "Ooooh."

Drive in silence for 3 seconds.
L - "And fart."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Girls' Weekend in Portland

Last weekend Leila, Shawn and I planned a girls' weekend in Portland with my Mom. We left Friday night and woke up Saturday ready for adventures. We did a little shopping, finished some sewing projects, took some walks with the wagon, saw Tangled again and had dinner at the Spaghetti Factory! Saturday was busy, but oh so fun!!

Helping Grammy finish the pajama pants that she made for Shawn, Leila and me. These are actually Chris's that she was gonna send home with me.
I surprised Mom and made her a pair too!
Grammy, Leila, Erin and Gramma
Leila had Tink pants, but wasn't ready to put them on for the picture.

Like, I said, we had a SUPER time...and then Saturday night came!! I woke up to Leila crying at 2 AM. She was throwing up and it was everywhere. Poor thing. It continued throughout the rest of the night and morning every couple hours. By 1:00 the next afternoon, she was feeling much better. We even took a walk and she was pretty chipper.

Shawn and I loaded the car up and started the trek home. Leila fell right to sleep and slept until exit 75, then woke up and within a minute starting getting sick again...all over the car seat! Not a fun pit stop, but we made it. Despite the fact that L got sick, we had a great time. Next time hopefully we can have the fun and not the yuckies!

The male of the house for the weekend: Max, my brother's dog.