Of course, we have to make this face.
We started out pretty early in the evening, but even then we didn't make it to all the family members before the giraffe was ready to be finished for the night. Our first stop was GG and GP (Great Gramma and Great Papa).
Leila is showing GP how tall her neck is.
Next we stopped by Sandy and Will's house. Sandy watches Leila four days a week. They are a lovely family and we are BLESSED to have Leila at their home.
I didn't get a picture, but our next stop was Emerald Ridge High School. Leila got to trick-or-treat her Daddy. Chris was on stage working pretty much all weekend so we stopped by for a quick visit. Leila loved the band-aides that Chris found in his desk drawer for her treat.
We finished the night at Gramma's house. Papa was helping Chris, so it was just the three of us girls. We had a jack-o-lantern pizza for dinner, watched Charlie Brown's Halloween and passed out candy. It was a nice way to end the weekend.
Now we'll back up to the day before Halloween. On Saturday, I took Leila downtown Puyallup and let her trick-or-treat the businesses. It rained the entire time, but we were with Dina and her family so we had a good time.
Taking cover outside the library and enjoying a treat from her loot bucket.

Saturday's outing ended at Red Robin for dinner with Dina, her Mom and her nephew. It was a busy weekend, but we enjoyed it all!
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