Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goofing Around

Leila went with me and some of my girlfriends on Tuesday to the nail salon. She asked if she could have her nails painted purple. I was SHOCKED when she sat long enough to have the gal do it. She HATES having her toenails clipped (this is an understatement!!), so I thought once the gal touched her feet it would be the end of it. I was wrong.

She giggles now every time she catches sight of her toes. It was fun!

Our landing at the bottom of the back porch is the perfect sized canvas for sidewalk chalk.

"Scrunch Face!" Her and Dad have done this since she was about 6 months old.


DelaneyVincent said...

So cute... I need a signature facial expression like that...

etav said...

Ha ha Adam. Post it when you decide on one!!