So, these first four pictures are out of order. We actually ENDED our first day at DISNEYLAND with a visit with MICKEY, but these pictures were too cute not to showcase at the top of the post! We were just sitting down for dinner in Tomorrowland, when Mickey came out. We had seen him many times throughout the day, but the line was always too long. Not this time, as he was standing right by our table.

Hugs for our favorite

Okay, so now are pictures will follow our day through the Magic Kingdom in the correct order...
As we walked through the front gates, Leila began chanting, "Mine sited! Mine sited!". Translation: I'm excited!
It was exactly what I was thinking!

Leila's first visit with a character. She had to show her Minnie to the real Minnie.

Here we are waiting in line for Small World. This was one of Leila's top four attractions. The others being the Dumbo ride, King Arthur's Carousel and Playhouse Disney Live. Small World looks great since it has reopened. There are Disney movie dolls throughout the ride now that correspond with the countries. For example, there is a
Pinocchio doll in the Italy section. It was a fun scavenger hunt to locate the characters.

Goofy was on the run, so our photo op was short.

We ran into Pluto in
Toon Town. Boy, did he make an impression on Leila. He spent quite a lot of time with her, as there was no one else waiting to see him. She rubbed his nose, hugged him and got tickled by him. We are still hearing about how she, "met
Pudo day!".

Waiting for Playhouse Disney Live to begin. She got to see her FAVORITE FRIENDS the
HANDY MANNY on stage.

Please ignore our hat hair!

This picture documents Leila's 10 minutes of pouting before she crashed in the stroller for her afternoon nap. Notice Minnie Mouse is on her head...not sure why...

Waiting in line for the Dumbo ride. Without a doubt, this was Leila's favorite! She controlled the ups and downs of her elephant each time we rode it. We had to ride it a couple times each day.

Almost our turn for Dumbo...

Riding the carousel with Daddy and Aunt Chris.

Carousel ride number two. This time with Mommy.

Running around in
Goofy's ship at
Toon Town.

Our first day at the Magic Kingdom was fabulous!