Luke's landspeeder...and yes, I do know all of this stuff. That what comes with marrying a Star Wars fan. I'll take it though. :0)
Millenium Falcon used in the galaxy shots of the movies.

Listening to the audio tour of the Yoda display.

My Tatooine moisture farm architects.
Chris and his favorite - Obi Wan Kenobi.
Leila got to build her own hover craft vehicle.

Leila's least for the time being.

"Return of the Jedi! My favorite! It matches my shirt!!" I didn't even have to coax a smile out of her for this one.

Building an R2 unit.

The girls with Princess Leia.

After the exhibit, we copped a spot for a snack break.

Just wasting time until we could board the Falcon. I tried to convince L to add her shoes to the picture, but she was busy snacking.
Weed and her new baby Chewie.
Inside the Falcon. Very fun! The colors were all weird on this, so it looks better in black and white.
We actually, by chance, got the front seats!
We ended the afternoon with some time in the Tot Area at the Science Museum. Leila had a great time climbing, playing instruments and soaking herself in the water table.

If you know someone who loves Star Wars, it is worth the drive to the Science Center in Seattle! Leila fell asleep humming the Star Wars theme song this evening. Her Dad couldn't be any prouder!!!
My favorite guy - Han Solo - and Chewie.