Mom and Jim came up from Portland last weekend to celebrate her September 13th birthday. It is becoming a tradition that we do the Puyallup! This year, the rain held off and we had a great time. Sunday morning Mom opened her presents. I think she was very pleased with her gifts! Happy Birthday!!!

Hard to see, but a gingerbread table runner with snow mitten fabric on the reverse side. Then on the floor is another runner with autumn leaves and it reverses to haunted mansions and jack-o-lanterns.

Mom has been so excited to get this purse. I have had it in red for several years and she has wanted one ever since. Glad to help, Mom!

Leila wanted to choose her own gift for Grammy....
Scooby Doo band-aides and green (Mom's fave color),
grippy socks. What a sweet girl! Gramma can't wait to see what she gets in November!

Grammy's festivities, Leila wanted Daddy to make her a new marble maze (a b-day present she got from Uncle
Nonny). This holds her attention forever!

What a great weekend celebrating a fabulous mother, mother-in-law, Grammy and friend. We love you, Mom!