Last night, we celebrated the ninth grade drama students of Kalles Jr. High. A group of "Drama Mamas" and Chris organized a banquet to celebrate the kids' theater achievements over their junior high careers. It was such a neat evening! The kids surprised Chris with a Thank-you video, which included a lot of kind words about his teaching, his relationships with the students and his passion for the stage. He was pretty touched. The majority of the evening was spent with Chris calling the kids up, based on how many shows they had been in, and presenting them with a certificate and pin. He spoke individually about each child and it was wonderful to see the mutual admiration on both the teacher and students' faces.
Chris introducing some of the kids.
She got quite the laugh.
This is just one of many small groups that were honored...
This was the last group of students to come forward. These kids have been in either 7, 8 or 9 shows in their time at Kalles. Pretty impressive for a junior high!
The McRill Family. They were instrumental in organizing this event...and have helped in so many productions over the past three years!!!!
The whole gang of Kalles Ninth Graders. What a good group of kids.
I had to get one family shot....Leila was so tired! We changed her out of her dress right before this picture. What a great evening.