Leila is well-rounded. She can be the girliest of girls at moments and then turn right around and pull out her Hot Wheels. I LOVE this about her! She dances around the house in her tutu and crown during the day and then informs us each night that she is gonna be a hockey player when she grows up...a goalie no less. This weekend we took Leila to a princess breakfast in Bonney Lake and boy was she thrilled to pull out ALL her girly-girl gowns, jewelry and tiaras. No hockey sticks today! Of course, Leila chose her Cinderella gown to wear to the ball, as that is her favorite princess. We sat at Cinderella's table (they let you choose between four princesses). We had a great time!
We met up with Leila's second cousin, Chassidee. Auntie Lynn, Gramma and Papa were also there.
Princess Aurora and Miss Leila.
Sleeping Beauty chose Leila out of all the little princesses there to be her dance partner. Oh my! The look on Leila's face was priceless....pure JOY!
The funny part of this was watching the parents "dance" around with our cameras trying to get the perfect shot!
Singing the "Heart Song" (A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes) as L calls it. She has known this song since she was about a year and a half. There was a time when we sang it many times every night before bed. Special memories!
Each princess sang a few songs from her movie.
Gramma and the Cinderellas.
Daddy and the girls. 

Posing with the princesses. I love that Leila is staring at Jasmine.
One more photo with Cinderella before leaving. On a side note, the young lady that is playing Cinderella here is a former drama student of Chris's. Luckily, Leila thought she was the real deal!