Last weekend, we headed on down to the Puyallup Fair for the second time this fall. This time around, I remembered to bring the camera and it was a good thing I did as Leila ventured on a couple rides that she had never gone on before. First stop though was the carousel...which she has been in love with since our trip to Disneyland this summer. While she is an experienced rider, she still enjoys it every time!
The "Ninie (pony) Ride" with Daddy.

This was L's second time on the canoes. What a difference a week makes...Last week, she wasn't too sure about it, but was thrilled this time....laughing and smiling the whole sail.

Check out her soggy bottom....the seats in the canoes were wet. Luckily, with the sun, she was dry in no time at all.

New adventure....riding the cars! She was a tad bit too short, but the man said she would be fine. I was really hoping she would choose this purple car as is looked a little safer to me....Luckily, we convinced her to do this one instead of the motor-bikes she was eyeing. It didn't take much once we mentioned that Jeff from the Wiggles wears purple.

Toot, toot. Chugga, chugga big PURPLE car.

Oh my! Look at how tall that is. L and Daddy were all game for the big slide.

Getting their gunny sacks...

Climbing the 2oo steps ( I think that was the number??)...

Getting into position to begin the descent.


We ended our day at the Fair with The Coats. Anyone from Puyallup knows how fabulous these four guys are! We love to take in a concert or two of theirs each fact, we often end up planning our fair trips with their concert schedule in mind. This year, Chris was chosen to come sing with the guys on Elvira. The crowd went crazy after he sang...let's just say the other volunteers weren't quite as big of hams as Christopher. He knows how to play an audience, that's for sure.
Listening to directions.

Riding his horse. Notice even Doug is cracking up.

Singing his solo.

And hitting the
note at the end of the song.
Wait, I thought I married a tenor, not a bass.

The Fair ends today. So once again, we will have to say goodbye to the scones, the crowds, the traffic and the baby animals. Looking forward to next year...