Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daddy's Day!

In 2006, when we found out that I was expecting, Christopher was worried that he wouldn't know how to be a good dad. That thought never even entered my head. From the minute Leila was born, he has been the most caring, involved, fun-loving Dad that a child can wish for. The bond that he and Leila share is priceless and it continues to grow with each day. When she was just a few months old, she had a special laugh that only Daddy could get her to giggle. Now, at almost two, Leila continues to admire her Dad every day. Some of their special memories include: learning about the Fab Four, playing Star Wars Galactic Heroes, reading magazines on their tummies, running through the sprinkler, being tricky together, making weekend "Barbucks" runs and running outside to catch a glimpse of an airplane as it passes overhead. These are just a few of the things that Daddy and Daughter enjoy doing together. What a lucky little girl! Christopher, I don't think you ever had anything to worry about. 

Christopher and Leila shortly after her bath in the hospital. Chris kept exclaiming, "She's holding my finger!". He was so proud!

His first, official Father's Day (2008). Catching some late morning Zzzzs
This Father's Day. No sleeping in. Leila was up at 6AM. We went to Meeker Days with Papa and Gramma. Leila, Papa and Daddy rode the train. This is right before she burst into tears and proceeded to cry the entire ride. 
Daddy and Leila in their Wings colors. 
Leila and Dad a few weeks ago while they were playing outside in the hot weather. 

Happy Father's Day Christopher! We love you!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Last June, this June, a Tavern and Two Simons

My younger brother, Jonny, spent the past weekend with us. We were suppose to run the Sound to Narrows together, but if you have seen Jon's Facebook page, you will understand why we didn't...
Anyway, while taking the pictures below and listening to Leila squeal with delight, I was reminded of LAST June when my Dad came for visit and also gave her a royal tickling. Look how much she has grown in a year! 

Leila (about 10 months) and Grandpa Larry

Leila (about 22 months) and Uncle Nonny (Jonny)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Let's Go Wings!

With the series tied at 2-2, we thought the Wings might need some extra encouragement tonight! We are ready to watch the game! Let's go boys!!!