Sunday, May 31, 2009

Working at the Car Wash

The Tavern garage now houses two very clean cars! Leila helped wash both cars, but the photos are only of Mommy's car. She enjoyed this chore VERY much! There were even some tears when it was time to clean up and head inside for some dry clothes. The tears didn't last long though, as it was time to get some jammies on and read some of her favorite things of all times. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Forgot to Share

I think I mentioned that Chris cut his hair on Mother's Day weekend, but I never shared a picture. After we returned from the zoo, the three of us made a trip to Super Cuts (he needed moral support). The picture below was taken today while he was mowing the lawn. Of course he has a hat on so you really can't see his haircut, but notice that there isn't any wavy hair touching his collar. He cut quite a bit off. He looks so handsome! What a good-looking husband I've got! 

Believe it or not, this IS a smile!
Twirling in the yard. 
Leila had graduated to the big rake. 

I'm Ready!

Leila is a true Detroit fan.....Red Wings apparel and snow boots, what more does one need? She could be right at home in MI. Actually, this is what she wanted to wear outside today. Surprisingly, we talked her into some more appropriate footwear. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mom and Me at the Zoo

On Saturday, we spent the afternoon at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. Each Mother's Day, the zoo hosts an event called Mom and Me at the Zoo, which offers special crafts, food and events as a way to celebrate Mother's Day. A purchase of a 10 dollar t-shirt serves as your ticket to the zoo for the day. Leila hadn't been to the zoo since August, so she was very excited to see all the animals. There are a few animals that are talked about ALL the time in our household: birdies, ninies (ponies) and a trip to the zoo meant the possibility of seeing some of these. 

Leila's cheesy grin!
Our matching ticket/t-shirts looked like this:
Daddy and Leila waiting and HOPING that a Budgie bird will land on the stick and eat from their hands. 
Still waiting....and calling "birdies, eat!" every few seconds. 
The man next to them got lucky and then helped transfer the bird to Leila's stick. Oh, what excitement to get to feed the bird! She is still talking about it!

Off to find some more animals...

This is what Chris and I call "the Jello defense." We ask her to do something, in this case smile, she doesn't want to, so she turns to Jello. Fun.
A little better this time around. Still pretty cheesy!
Looking for the whale...
We found him!
Every time he swam by us, he would snort with his blow hole. Leila would turn around and giggle at us. 
I LOVE this picture! 
And this one too! What a precious girl we have!!! She has such a sense of humor!

We didn't see any ninies (ponies) so Daddy gave her a pony ride instead...just as good. 
Nap time is quickly approaching (for Leila, not Chris).
The zoo had coloring tables, so of course, we had to stop. 

Running on the central lawn with Daddy. 
Leila took a 30 minute nap on the ride home and then was wide awake until bedtime. Sunday morning however, she slept until 9:15. Chris and I decided we would make this an annual event if it meant we got to sleep in the following morning! I feel very blessed to be married to such a wonderful man and to be the mother of an amazing, sweet daughter! I couldn't ask for anything else in my life! Happy Mother's Day to all!

Garden Girl

The weather this Mother's Day weekend was gorgeous! We took advantage of it and spent some time getting the flower beds and lawn taken care of. Leila jumped right into the weeding and thoroughly enjoyed playing in the dirt! Both Grammy and Gramma recently bought her some garden tools....which kept her plenty occupied! 

Her job: put the dirt in the 'bucket'...aka old tupperware lid.

Mommy was wearing gloves, so of course Leila needed to have one too. 

We got quite a lot accomplished. We spent the whole afternoon outside!